The role of synchronous spiking in the encoding of vibrotactile stimuli by low-threshold mechanoreceptors.


Despite its known importance in most other sensory systems, the role of synchrony remains to be explored in somatosensation. Spike synchrony is vital for signal propagation between low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) and their postsynaptic targets, but the influence of different tactile stimuli on LTMR spike synchrony remains unclear. In response to a periodic stimulus like vibration, synchronous spiking across neurons relies on the timing of spikes relative to the phase of the stimulus cycle (i.e. precision) and the probability of a spike occurring on each cycle (i.e. reliability). As such, through in vivo extracellular recordings in rodents, we measured the reliability and precision of rapid adapting (RA)- and slow adapting (SA)-LTMR responses to vibrotactile stimuli to infer synchronization of spiking across neurons. Results showed that SA and RA afferents synchronize at different frequency ranges. Interestingly, population synchrony was lost at low and high frequencies due to a loss of spiking precision or reliability, respectively. explore supporting synchrony loss at each frequency extreme, we developed generalized linear models of LTMRs. Differences in the fitted model parameters demonstrate that a shorter refractory period gives RAs the unique ability to respond to and synchronize at high frequencies. The findings of this study strengthen our understanding of synchrony in somatosensory coding and the resulting models allow for efficient exploration of the mechanisms underlying tactile signal processing.

Aug 23, 2021
14th Annual Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN 2021)
14th Annual Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN 2021)
Vancouver (Online), BC
Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Engineering

My research interests include computational neuroscience, pain processing, and neural coding.